New: sort by multiple columns, dark mode

Posted on February 29, 2020 on Obvibase Blog

Today we've added ability to sort tables by more than one column, so that the records are first sorted by say column "A", and then if a bunch of records have the same value in that column "A", we sort those by column "B", and so on.

Here's one example where that comes in super-handy. As you may have noticed, on Obvibase even as you edit the table, it always stays sorted. If you add a new record or modify an existing one in a way that breaks the sort order, you don't have to re-sort the table like you would in a spreadsheet - records are re-shuffled immediately while keeping the cursor on the record you're editing. This by the way is a unique and tricky to implement feature that Obvibase has since the recently released rewrite.

Now suppose you sort the table by record IDs from high to low. In that case, when you add a new record (for instance by pressing the "+" or "=" key), it will have the highest ID of all existing records, so it will show up at the top of the table, instead of at the bottom as it would by default. This is exactly the behavior that we ourselves wanted for our internal issue tracker - the more recent records appear first, like emails in an inbox, and you don't often have to scroll to the bottom of the table.

Up to now though, there was a problem: you could either have more recent records first, or, say, higher priority issues first, but not both. Support for sorting by multiple columns takes care of that.

Another feature that we've released today is support for dark mode (white text on dark background) on recent OS'es. If you use Google Chrome, you can learn whether your OS supports this mode and how to enable it here.